Been a while, huh?
I have no idea how many of you are still around, seeing how the last major update was just over 12 years ago—time flies when you're having, uh... hm, maybe fun's not the word. But it flew, alright! I thought it was probably about time I told you what was up with ol' GD.
First off, if you were worried that OHP was going away when the site went down a few years ago, fret not! I had to change OHP's CMS (the thing that runs the database that shows the comic and makes the site look snazzy), but pretty much everything you know and love from 2001 through 2012 should be back to how it was. Better, even! Tag searching is now a thing, the comics and art should be more smartphone-friendly, and everything runs just a little bit smoother... thanks, ComicControl! Believe it or not, I'd like this place to stick around for the foreseeable future!
So what about the last 12 years? Well, a lot of things happened! Bought a home, got married, worked at 4 wildly different jobs... and had an unexpected family crisis that really rattled me. I decided to disconnect from online life for a while, and my time from 2016 to 2023 was spent mostly focusing on my loved ones. Plenty of global misery in that time as well, of course, but sometimes you have to keep your priorities local if you want to keep your head above water. So, lots of busting my hump anywhere that would hire me. This didn't leave a lot of time for drawing, unfortunately. But that's life, sometimes!
The good news? Things changed a bit in 2023, and I've spent the last 2 years trying to make up for lost time by drawing something new every week, and writing like crazy. It took a little while to get things rolling again, but the output has been steady—to the tune of almost 100 new pictures! These galleries contain a mixture of general and adult art, so no minors, please:
- OHP pictures, featuring the goofballs you know
- Miscellaneous pictures, featuring a bunch of goofballs you don't know
- Weird pictures, featuring goofballs who should probably seek medical attention (fair warning)
You might have noticed that my style's changed quite a bit over the last decade. I've been trying to really push myself to experiment and grow, and I think the results have been pretty interesting! But to be totally honest with you, I have no idea how to stand out these days. The webcomic and art landscape has changed so much since 2001, and I am so, so out of the trend loop.
Would you do me a favor, person who's probably way more with-it than me? If you could help spread the word that I'm back, it'd mean a heck of lot to me! Right now I'm trying to break out again on Bluesky, but it's been pretty hard to get noticed; I'm basically starting over from scratch. OHP's site isn't currently set up to handle comments, but I'd like to fix that soon. In the mean time, feel free to reach out over there! I do bite, but affectionately.
No clue what the future will bring, but I'd like to make it something with more of my weirdos in it. If you've been reading Our Home Planet since the beginning, thank you! Your kind words over the years have really kept me going. I've received a bunch of really cool fan art recently, too, and it's high time I showed it off! Keep your eyes peeled for another update soon...